Sussex County NJ Uncontested Divorce Attorneys

Newton, NJ divorce lawyers

Even when unresolvable disagreements lead spouses to end their marriage, they can find common ground on issues such as custody, property division and child support. There are many reasons why settling with your ex might be better than going to court. At Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Vandenberg, Hontz & Kutyla, LLC., we are Sussex County uncontested divorce lawyers who use our negotiation and mediation skills to bridge the gap when a client is pursuing a resolution that allows both spouses to move forward. With offices in Newton and Succasunna, we give clients the chance to avoid extra time, expense and aggravation during the marriage dissolution process. 

What is an uncontested divorce?

The end of a marriage often requires the resolution of certain financial issues, as well as parenting arrangements if the couple has minor children. Should both spouses agree on terms regarding property division, alimony, custody, visitation and child support, they can seek an uncontested divorce. In these cases, both spouses sign a marital settlement agreement and submit it to the court. The judge likely will incorporate the terms of the agreement into the final divorce order. Often, an originally contested divorce is settled prior to trial and is converted into an uncontested divorce. 

When can you file for an uncontested divorce in New Jersey?

There are two ways to qualify for a no-fault divorce in New Jersey. You can declare that there have been irreconcilable differences between you and your spouse for at least six months or you can show that you’ve lived separately for 18 months or more. At least one spouse must have lived in the state for at least 12 months to file for divorce. If either party seeks to dissolve the legal union based on adultery or another fault ground, or if the parties have not reached consensus on parenting or financial issues, the divorce is contested.

What is the process for an uncontested divorce? 

When you come to us for a consultation regarding a potentially uncontested divorce, we’ll closely examine the relevant facts relating to marital property and other matters. Our attorneys will work diligently to overcome any barriers that arise during the negotiation process and will make every effort to reach an equitable agreement. Once that occurs, we will file the necessary documents with the court and represent you until the final dissolution decree is entered. Our Sussex County divorce law firm has extensive experience handling uncontested divorces skillfully and efficiently. It is important to remember that while completing the legal process quickly is a good thing, rushing into a settlement without an experienced family lawyer to protect your interests could seriously harm you in the future. 

Timeline for an uncontested divorce in New Jersey

It can be difficult to predict how quickly a court will move, but a no-fault uncontested divorce can often be finalized within a few months of filing. Judges are usually willing to accept the terms of the parties’ marital settlement agreement, but there might be certain factors that receive additional scrutiny. Custody arrangements that might not seem to be in the child’s best interests could compel the court to seek further information. Likewise, a lopsided settlement might lead a judge to examine whether the agreement was based on improper coercion. 

Contact a New Jersey attorney to discuss the uncontested divorce process 

Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Vandenberg, Hontz & Kutyla, LLC assists New Jersey clients seeking an uncontested divorce from their spouse. To make an appointment for a meeting in our Newton or Succasunna office, please call 973-862-4396 or contact us online.