Sussex County Contested Divorce Lawyers

Newton lawyers help when spouses can’t agree on marriage dissolution terms

Breaking up with a spouse can be hard, and sometimes a mutually acceptable settlement is just not in the cards. If you’re looking for a Sussex County contested divorce lawyer, Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Vandenberg, Hontz & Kutyla, LLC is here for you. We are accomplished litigators with offices in Newton and Succasunna and we represent clients throughout North Jersey. Whatever the specific issues you’re facing, our attorneys will provide the legal support you need to present the strongest possible case. 

What is a contested divorce? 

A contested divorce is one in which the parties have not reached agreement on the terms of their marriage dissolution. In some cases, this might mean that one spouse is seeking a divorce on a fault-based ground, such as adultery, desertion or extreme cruelty. However, most New Jersey residents opt for a no-fault dissolution, so a contested divorce usually involves disagreement over parenting or financial terms. 

Is it worth contesting a divorce in NJ?

Many people just want the marriage dissolution process to end quickly and quietly. This is completely understandable, but it is important to remember the decisions you make when settling a divorce will likely affect you and your children for years to come. Going to court and having a judge decide on the terms of your divorce order might be the most likely path to a favorable resolution. Our Sussex County divorce lawyers offer honest insight on the best path forward and are persuasive trial advocates in cases that are argued in court. 

Potential downsides of litigating a divorce in New Jersey

Before you make the decision to go to trial, it’s important to have a perspective on what that entails. The time and cost associated with litigation will exceed what is required during an uncontested divorce. You should also keep in mind that litigation is a public, adversarial process. Disputes over procedural issues could worsen a stressful situation, and a trial might mean that uncomfortable issues are resolved on an open record rather than in the privacy of negotiations. 

Issues often contested in a divorce

Disputed matters in a divorce typically involve one or more of the following subjects:

  • Child custody and visitation
  • Division of assets
  • Child support
  • Alimony

Whatever is preventing you and your spouse from settling on divorce terms, our firm will develop a coherent strategy aimed at securing a satisfactory result. 

How long does a New Jersey contested divorce take? 

Due to packed court schedules, possible discovery disputes and other procedural delays, it is possible that more than 12 months could elapse between filing and trial of a contested divorce, which can take a toll on the parties and their children. Sometimes, mediation under the guidance of a neutral third party or renewed settlement discussions can be fruitful, and we always strive to achieve our clients’ objectives in the shortest possible timeframe. 

Contact a North Jersey lawyer about representation for a contested divorce

Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Vandenberg, Hontz & Kutyla, LLC handles contested divorces for residents of Sussex and Morris counties, as well as other parts of New Jersey. We have office locations in Newton and Succasunna. For an appointment with a family law attorney regarding your legal options, please call 973-862-4396 or contact us online.